Monday, June 2, 2008

Still confined to the house.

Gabe woke up again this morning with a fever. A trip to the Dr. revealed Fifths Disease which is not really a disease but a virus. He is supposedly at the tail end of it, but will probably need to stay home again tomorrow. I'm hoping his dad will step up to the plate there because I worked from home today and will also have to work from home on Thursday since he has early dismissal (I'm talking they go in at 9:00 and are dismissed at 10:45 on the last day of dumb is that???)

Anyway, despite the fact that I'm going stir crazy, I have managed not to overeat. If anything, I haven't eaten enough with all of the attention I've had to pay to him and trying not to let work slip.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran and Coffee
Lunch: Black Bean Burrito and half a diet pepsi
Snack: Butter and Jelly on Wheat Toast
Dinner: Home-made quesadilla...same as last night and a corona lite with lime

I am sitting here finishing my corona and wondering if I will ever catch up on life. I got all of my W&DP feedback and and agency person said "always seems overwhelmed with her workload". I wanted to laugh. I have to try to put out a better vibe, but I'm not someone who is going to pretend that everything is peachy when it isn't. Of course I'm overwhelmed! Is anyone who works at P&G not overwhelmed? If there is someone out there who isn't I want their job. I know the surgery and being out didn't help in catching up, but I am so freaking burnt out on Febreze. How much and how long can you give a shit about scented water? Just once I want to wake up and want to go to work.

Did I mention I've been staring at the same walls since Friday? UGH!!!

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