Monday, April 28, 2008

Back from the weekend

OK ladies.....back from the weekend.

Ang, as Nat already knows, on the weekends when I have my girls with me, the rest of the world is pretty much at a standstill. No phone calls, no web surfing, and certainly no blogging - sorry!!! As there was a reference to priorities over the weekend, I have to echo that. When Curly and Squirt (no, those aren't their given names - those would be Savannah and Katrina :) are with me, they are the priority. Yesterday was awesome too - did the big beach blanket lunch at Alms Park, watched the airplanes and helicopters take off and land for a while at Lunken, then the girls had an awesome time at the playground - and honestly, so did I, especially with that marble slide they have up there. Who knew smoothed stone could hurl you at 20 mph?!?!?

But it is Monday, and I'm back on here, and as this is week 2 of this, the little excuses that we like to make for things should start getting cut back a little. Not saying that either or you, or I, have made them...out loud anyway. We always make excuses for something here or there that makes us feel ok about why we did something - well, this week, let's try to actually do that which we intend to do. Want to not drink that drink from Starbucks?!?! Throw it away or don't get it (GREAT JOB ANG!). Want to move furniture and then NOT eat poorly because you thought that you worked out?!?! Then eat right (GREAT JOB NAT!). You guys are already starting to do it a little, and I can see that. Just need to keep it up now...and this week I'll be watching just a little bit more ;)

As far as my eating for the weekend went, it sometimes comes and goes with the girls. That's not an excuse (didn't I just make some huge argument for not making excuses?!?!?!) though. So Saturday:
  • Normal morning routine
  • 12:00 PM: Turkey and cheese sandwich, baked Lays, swiss cake roll
  • 1:30 PM: Dried Mangos
  • 3:00 PM: Yogurt
  • 4:45 PM: Cereal
  • 6:20 PM: Frozen pizza dinner (ugh - this makes me gag just thinking about it)
  • 50 ozs of water

Sunday looked a little something like this:

  • Normal morning routine, spread out a little though
  • 1:00 PM: Turkey and cheese sandwich, baked lays
  • 3:30 PM: Double Choc Chip milk shake from Greaters
  • 6:00 PM: Minestrone soup, Lasagna, cheese bread
  • 80 ozs of water, huge glass of orange juice

Unfortunately, not the greatest eating in the world. Not terrible, but not great. I try set the example with the girls that 90% of what we eat should definitely be good for you. We had a conversation about McDonald's this weekend and how I simply will not take them there because I don't like the food and because it's not healthy for you. They don't fully understand that now, but they will after they hear me say it enough :) And right now, as they're 2 and 4, bribing is part of the game that we play, so if they eat their healthy meal right, they get a small treat. Yesterday was a big treat though - Greaters. It's in Mariemont and was on our way back to the house, and man - for someone who doesn't like ice cream (yes, Ang - I don't like ice cream), that shake hit the spot. But of course my 2 year old, who also fell out of her chair yesterday there, says at the top of her lungs 'Are we going to have some chocolate cake TOO!' as she's eating her chocolate chip ice cream pointing to the cakes in the closest display case :) Are all of my teachings going down the tube?!?!?!

OK, off to the gym now (yes, I know it's 7:50, but I'm working from home this morning, and that always lends itself to a few liberties here or there). My exercise post will be tomorrow. And I'll post another entry later with feedback on the weekend's activities for everyone :)

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