Monday, April 28, 2008

I am trying...really!!

This is a late post for me. My internet has been out at my house for the last few hours. How annoying. Enough of my complaining (oo wait there is actually more to come)

This isn't necessarily an excuse, but unlike the feedback I received, I felt like I act more actual meals in the last week than I have in a long time. It wasn't all that long ago when I would eat one meal a day and maybe have a snack in there somewhere. Last week, I felt like I had a good three meals a day. This 5-6 times a day is a big stretch for me. I am trying though and will shot for eating 4 times a day this week.

I will work on getting the scale. Maybe I will make my Dad buy it when my parents are in town this weekend to help with my house. While he is at it, he might as well also get me this cute outfit that Briz recommended. I like this plan!

Here is the food consumption for the day. Does this count as eating four times?!?
Breakfast - Yogurt with granola and iced tea
Lunch - Chicken salad on a croissant and baked lays. There were these really awesome cc cookies at the checkout, but I refrained. I did sneak a few drinks of diet coke from Rachel.
Afternoon snack - Fruits snacks which have 100% of my daily vitamin C
Dinner - Chipotle burrito bowl. Not good, I know. Darn Febreze CMK outings. It had rice, pinto beans, chicken, salsa, cheese, and sour cream. I also split chips with Bethany. I have no idea how to estimate the calorie count of this one, but not good.
Now- I am going to eat a piece of angle food cake when I get done with this.
No exercise tired (more excuses).

Thanks for the helpful review. The only thing you forgot to add is that I looked hot all week!

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