Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hilarious writing

So this thing is turning out to be as much for the writing as it is for the substance :) Hilarious.

Lang-son - to comment on the sugar coated raisin thing...no worries. You got milk (good for calcium of course, and especially important for women as you know), and the cereal wasn't terrible. If it helps for you to know, while most of the time I eat cereal from Kashi or Kellogg's Smart Start, the past couple of days I've had Raisin Bran Crunch.

And that's one helluva day. Hope the welt heals nicely. And while you were at home all day, you at least missed the massive quantities of cake apparently.

NAT - great job getting out to run, even if it was a jog/walk. Almost anyone who does that after a while off will tell you that the jog/walk is actually the best way to get yourself back into shape. Running outright after not having done that for a while will shock your body a little too much. And a little piece of cake won't kill you.

Again, for both of you, you'll see my theme in here - small things here and there aren't bad for you. The one thing that I want to drive home is consistent good eating throughout the day. Eating smaller quantities more often will actually make a huge difference. AL, to your point about not wanting to work out when you're eating right, or vice-versa...that's something that I've heard from a ton of people. And I've caught myself doing that too every now and then. But that's a zero-sum game that you'd be playing only for maintenance in the end. If you want to stay 140, then you could do that. If you want 125, you need both. Again, I'll get into exercise thing in a day or two. Let's see if we can get the eating thing to a decent point over the next week.

One thing to point out - eating out in general, and especially in our cafeteria, is not the greatest thing in the world for you. If you have the time, spend 1 hour on Sunday thinking through what you'll eat during the week and prepare anything yourself that you can. If I'm to listen to my own advise, that means I'd take an hour every Sunday and make 10 PBJ sandwiches for the week (2/lunch). The rest is the healthiest I can find that's already packaged.

OK, enough randomness for the moment. Lang, watch the welt. Nat, hope you had something to eat/drink right after your run. It'll help burn cals/fat while ur not doing anything afterward if you do that.

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

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