So I've never put any of this in writing before, but this forum gives me a good chance to do it!
First, diets suck. Your diet is what you eat over time, not a point in time to get thin. I've never believed in going on a diet for anyone. Everyone should adjust their eating habits such that the word diet gets used in its original form.
Second, unless medical conditions dictate it, people shouldn't deny themselves foods that they like or crave. For example, around 90% of what I eat is almost completely healthy and adds to my goals for the day of reaching certain calorie counts or allowing me to workout like I want to. However, the remaining 10% is reserved for those foods that I really enjoy eating. Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. A piece of apple pie. Things like that. But it's done in complete moderation. The Swiss Cake Rolls are done every day, so maybe not those - but everything else is :)
Thirdly, the saying 'you are what you eat' is completely true. The phrase 'garbage in / garbage out' also applies. It goes back to the old analogy of a car - you put in crappy gas, crappy oil, etc, your car isn't going to run like it could. You feed it 93 octane, put the best oil in, and all of a sudden your Pinto runs like a Benz (that's a stretch, but you get the point :). If you feed your body crap, that's what you'll feel like in return. If you give it the good stuff, your body will thank you 10-fold for it. And you'll notice a difference.
And no theory on eating would be complete without talking about exercise too, but I'll leave that for another time.
As far as today's eating is concerned, I'm not feeling so hot, so:
- 7:30 AM: Cereal
- 9:15 AM: Pineapple, Cantaloupe
- 10:30 AM: EAS bar
- 12:30 PM: Big bowl of soup, Swiss cake rolls
- 7:45 PM: 1 1/2 PBJ sandwiches, Baked Lays chips, glass of milk
- 33 ozs of water
As I write my blog for the day, I am sweaty and tired because I just got done jogging. To be honest, it was a half walk/half jog outing. I couldn't quite make it the whole time, but as still feeling good about getting out there and hitting the pavement.
My eating for the day:
8:30 Oatmeal with granola
9:00 -10:30 - I turned down Busken cake approximately 4 times. (I think the real question is why the Febreze brand is eating cake this early in the morning!)
12:30 - Hummus gyro
4:30 -I give into the cake and decide a small piece of heaven is ok in moderation.
6:30 - Sauerkraut and mashed potatos (odd I know)
8:30 - Applesauce
OK, so I don't have this blog thing down. I can only figure out how to comment on your post instead of writing my own. I don't want the first day to go by without an entry, so here it is:
6:00 a.m. wake up and realize that the welt on my arm from teaching my 5 year old how to ride a bike (long story) has morphed into a small extra appendage. OUCH!! No work today. Must get the kids off to school and call the doctor pronto.
7:00 a.m. Bowl of Raisin Bran w/skim milk & mug of coffee w/FF vanilla creamer 3 Advil
Let's pause here so that I can express what an accomplishment it is for me to have eaten something with milk. Raisin Bran was my fav as a kid and although the milk is still gag-worthy, the cereal brings back good memories. The fact that the raisins are sugar coated can't be good, but I look forward to Clay commenting on that.9:30-11:30am Doctor's office number one. Inconclusive. Lunch break.
11:30am Half of an Arby's market fresh turkey on wheat, diet pepsi and (brace yourself) some sort of fried potato bites with cheese and bacon dipped in ranch sour cream sauce. (so close, yet I have to trip myself up)
12:00-3:00pm Doctor's office number two and x-rays. No break. Sprain with a big welt. Sent home with ice and an ACE bandage. I could have effing done that myself at 6:00 this morning.
3:30pm One Bud Light 3 Advil I wish I were joking, but this was a bad day...and let's face it. If Natalee can eat PB&J with a glass of wine on the east side and get away with it, a West Side Girl can certainly drink a Bud in the middle of the afternoon on a work day without judgement.
4:30pm Other half of Arby's turkey sandwich
7:30pm Another bowl of Raisin Bran
I didn't weigh myself last night but as of this moment, I weigh exactly 140 fully clothed. My first reaction is "how did that happen?" but reading the above again makes it pretty clear. My goal weight is 125. I don't know if it would be realistic to shoot for that by LA, but I'm sure going to try.
I thought of something else. The challenge for me is this...I have never been successful in eating right AND working out. If I'm eating well, I make excuses not to work out. If I'm working out like a champ, I figure I've earned the right to eat bad food in large quantities. I need to find balance because the weight will fall off a lot quicker. Balance is what I lack Danielson.
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