Sunday, June 1, 2008

I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow.

I just realized that my post last night was so late that is was actually already today...if that makes sense. I am such a night owl. I just love when the house is quiet, the kids are tucked in and Joe is asleep next to me. (He's so darn cute when he's sleeping. I also love how much I love my husband. I don't, however, love that he is snoring!)

I think Gabe's fever finally broke. (Fingers crossed.) Today was Sunday Funday, our neighborhood street party. He was determined not to miss the bike parade or the firetruck opening their hoses on the kids. I loaded the little guy with Motrin and he did just fine. I waited for the fever to come back and so far it hasn't. He's tired, but hopefully he'll be 100% tomorrow. I feel like this weekend didn't even happen bc we were stuck inside so much. Food today was not so good, but the beverages were straight up bad.

Breakfast: 2 cups coffee w/cream
Lunch: Black bean burrito and water
Snack: Hotdog and beer at Sunday Funday
Beer, beer, beer (I did put lime in it, so there was at least some fresh fruit intake. Ha!)
Dinner: Home-made wheat quesadillas w/chicken, cheese, sour cream and my special home-made salsa and water.

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