Friday, June 13, 2008


I am so glad that everyone is back at it. I still cannot wrap my mind around Clay and line dancing till late at night without even having one drink. Very cute I am sure, but just not something that you would expect from Mr. Brizendine. I can't wait to see us all at dance class. I will make sure to bust a move!

I now know that I am old because it is a Friday night and I am excited about being at home on my couch with episodes of What Not to Wear and Ten Years Younger on.

My eating for the day:
English muffin with PB and J, coffee with skim milk
Spanikopita (sp) and a greek salad with water
A bit of the worse tasting piece of chocolate bar that I have ever tasted....thanks for that Clay!
Not a good "dinner"- a Margaretta and half, chips and guacamole, some sort of taco-ess thing.

Yeah for the wedding tomorrow! Angie and I will do our best to try to not drunk call or text you Clay.

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