Sunday, June 1, 2008

I still have a little sickie boy...

I'm sad to report my little man can't shake this fever. Medicine makes his temp go down for a while, but it keeps going back up. The poor kid is still all wrapped up in a fleece even thought it's borderline hot in here. Despite the beautiful weather, I only went outside once today to grill chicken for dinner for Ava and I and so that I'd have something healthy to reheat for the next few days. I just felt so bad for Gabe.

Nat, I'm SO proud of you for running the 5K today! We should plan to do the Reggae Run and Run Like Hell in the fall. I've always wanted to do both but have never done either. I have only done one 5K because I hate running so much, but races are a little bit more fun than running on a treadmill.

Today's eating was not a lot. I will try to do better tomorrow.

Breakfast: Raisin Brand and coffee
Lunch: Black Bean Roll Up and coffee
Dinner: Half a grilled chicken breast with BBQ for dipping and Miller Light
Really long hot bath to cope with cramps and another Miller Light

My body is still all whacked out from surgery. I don't know how that is possible because the surgery was so minor, but I swear I had PMS for 2 weeks and today I had cramps that were reminiscent of the second stage of labor. Crazy shiz.

OK. I have to get some sleep in case Gabe is up in the middle of the night.

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