Thursday, June 5, 2008

I have discovered the healthy alternative for ice cream

Yagurt....It just might be the best thing ever. Rachel and I discovered it after dinner tonight in Rockwood. It is a soft serve yogurt based ice cream that is 99% fat free. It has a really unique taste and when you add in coconut and almonds, it is a really healthy snack (I think).

Keeping it short tonight, so here is my food for the day:
Cereal with skim mils
Iced tea
Tuna salad on wheat with lettuce and tomato, chips
100 calorie oreos - which have no real resemblence to actual oreos
Dinner with Rachel at PJ Changs - stemmed veggie dumplings, glass of white wine, sweet and sour chicken

Home for the weekend for my friend's wedding, but I will try my best to post. Ang, have fun at the graduation. You are going to look smoking hot! Clay- Keep enjoying the vacation.

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