It's been what seems like a long time...but I'm finally posting something again :) Hope that we can keep the 1 post per day string going for a while from here on out.
If my calculations have it right, the trip to LA on July 9 is 55 days away. That's 55 days to get into the jeans/dresses/bathing suits that you want to wear...55 days to eat right and exercise to shed any extra pounds that you want to shed...55 days to become a healthier you. All sounds good doesn't it? And 55 days is a long time - almost 2 months. Imagine what you guys can accomplish in 2 months if you really put your minds and bodies to it? A ton!
So honestly, the best part of my day was seeing Ang back in the office. Ang, whether you had Krispy Kreems or not, I still would have come up to see you! Everything about you being back - u being there, the tests being negative, the soreness fading (although you still have to hug people with your ass pointed out as far as possible ;) - is fantastic.
OK, so we all want to get back on track right? Ang is allowed a day or two of getting her taste buds back, but otherwise we all need to get back into the swing of things. Nat, you're in the house - awesome!!! The unpacking might seem like it might never end, but it will, and you'll have to start stocking that fridge with those things that will get you down to where you want to be.
OK ladies - to help you get back on track, here's the assignment: take 1 day between now and Sunday, and while keeping track of your meals, I want you to take the nutrition labels of each and either write down what you had or cut out the nutrition label for whatever you ate. I want you to total everything: calories, calories from fat, cholesterol, sodium, etc. I know that this sounds tedious, but it's also necessary. Keeping track of your weight is one thing, but making sure you get there in a healthy manner is another. AND, by doing this, it will be a little reality check on what your intake for the day actually was. We can tell ourselves that mac and cheese is fine because it's 'pasta,' but it also has 1/5 of your sodium intake for the day. Now that's ok if you take in very little the rest of the day, but if you don't watch what else you have, you could be getting more than your daily allowance. Remember too that all nutrition labels are based off of a 2000 calorie a day diet. If your goal is to take in 1600, then your sodium intake would be 1/4, not 1/5, of your daily intake. Remember to adjust. And just in case you guys forgot what a nutrition label looked like, I put one below ;)

After you write all of your labels down and total it up, I want you to use that as a benchmark. Too low? We'll figure out what else to add. Too high? We'll figure out what to yank from the day. There's a lot that we can do with these, but just looking at it for one day can make a huge difference.
The other thing that I want to stress is portion control. Ang, I know you love this one, but it is HUGE. I watched a video on the Today show the other day of a woman who did three things and lost 176 pounds: A) exercised regularly, B) ate better than she did before, and C) realized what portion control could do for her. By allowing her body to work off the food she just ate BEFORE putting more in there, she was burning pounds and calories without doing much of anything else. Now I know that you two aren't exactly the audience for portion control, but it's just a reminder.
OK, so how have I been doing lately? Kind of poor if you ask me. My mornings have turned into working out my legs with the foam roller (due to knee injury, and I wasn't doing this before like I should have) and doing 50 pushups and 30 situps. Sounds OK, but I'm not doing anything else, and it's killing me. The lack of exercise is something I'd swore that I'd never do, but it's amazing how emotional drama can sap the body of energy (another long story here). The eating hasn't slacked too much, but it's slacked some:
- 7:15 AM: Cereal
- 10:00 AM: Banana
- 10:10 AM (I think): Krispy Kreme donut
- 11:00 AM: EAS Bar
- 12:15 PM: Rotisserie Chicken, BBQ sauce, Baked Lays, Swiss Cake Rolls
- 6:15 PM: Small pepperoni pizza from Fresh market, Yoplait yogurt
- OK on water
As you can see, no afternoon snack. And it hurt. For those that don't have this sensation yet...after months of eating like this, if I don't eat at least every 4 hours, my stomach will hurt. Like cramp up. That's when you know you've been eating throughout the day :)
OK, you have your assignments. The last thing that I'll say on this - I'm a huge motivational person. Love quotes, sayings, marketing campaigns...whatever. Anything that will get me going. My favorite is "No excuses," the wallpaper on my desktop that reminds me not to make excuses when I want to. The video I put below is about failing...and succeeding. Enjoy, and I'll check-in with you guys tomorrow.
Michael Jordan "Failure" Nike Commercial: