Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Everyone will be fine

OK, I have only 10 mins before I need to leave for my next meeting, but wanted to say this - everyone will survive, and everyone will be ok.  And in saying that I mean that you'll hit your goals for LA and after.  You will.  Just realize that it's going to take work.  I told Nat yesterday that 1) you guys deserve praise for skipping the cake, and 2) i'll give you guys about 1 more week before i start pushing the semi-panic button, to the point where i might be making food and working out with you guys.  If you want to get 10 and 12 lbs lighter, then the work to eat right and exercise has to be there.  You guys know this, but just putting out the not so subtle reminder :)

My eating yesterday was status quo, but dinner was 2 PBJ sandwiches.  Little off of my typical routine, but a huge calorie and protein (and fat) boost.  Workout tonight will hopefully take care of some of that.

A marathon, not a sprint, is a very P&G phrase Nat :)  But it is very true in this case.

One thing that I want to leave you guys with...what you're doing - the discipline in eating, exercise, the self-control, etc. all in an effort to look and feel better - can be an example to other people trying to do the same thing, cause as you know, it's not easy.  How many people have you met that have gone 'i wish i could lose some lbs?'  And, Ang - for you.  Think about the example that you can set for your kids with eating and exercise.  That's huge!

Hope the day goes well - off to mtgs! 

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