Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back

In the words of the great Ohio State fight song, "Hail, Hail the gangs all here...!" Finally, my fellow bloggers are back, and I can't tell you how happy I am to have us all on again.

You will get back on track Ang. We talked before about not making excuses, but I think that your boob situation (yes, I just said boob situation) is an actual, legidimate excuse. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am glad that you think I am hot....i just need to start believing it more.

Clay - Thanks for the label clarity. My goal is to do Sunday's eating. This should be interesting because Ireally dont pay attention to anything other than calories and fat. I will be shocked I am sure on where all my nutrients fall out. But to be clear, you and your spreadsheet are totally nerdy. It cracks me up just thinking about it.

I was off track today, and how no excuse for it. I am refusing my efforts tomorrow and need you guys to keep me on track. I need to look good in a bathying suit (to compete with certain people who perhaps used to be a personal trainer)

Eggs with kethup and a hot tea (one sugar)
Small Ceasar salad, half a chicken salad sandwhich, water
Coronia and a few chips with guc (not what Clay had in mind I think we he told us we need to have snacks....though it was much better than WDP training. So glad that Chris and I skipped the second half)
Garden salad with ranch, one roll, ice tea, half a chicken pot pie (yes that is two days in a row)

I just finished unpacking all my kitchen stuff. The only boxes that are still full are in the office. So things are starting to come together at the house, though I am realizing how much more stuff I need/want to change.

Back at it tomorrow. I need to get a run in here.

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