Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not sure what to say

Ang - don't even know where to start.  There's two schools of thought for me on this.  One is to offer a note of 'you'll get through this, things will be fine when you're through Thursday, etc.'  The other side of me is to say 'Kick some ass!'  The second one is a little more of my personality, so I think that's what I'll go with on this one....'KICK SOME ASS!'  

OK, so onto the other stuff for the moment.  My eating for the weekend, as you guys could tell, was bad.  Not that the meals that I had were poor, but the fact that I ate a lot less than I typically would.  Yesterday I got back in stride...until I went to the Cubs/Reds game.  Not only did the Cubs play like crap, which didn't please me at all, but I ate for dinner 1) a brat, and 2) a freaking huge pretzel with cheese.  Not exactly the greatest dinner - hoping that at tonight's game I work the eating a little better.

Monday's eating:
  • 6:45 AM: Cereal
  • 9:30 AM: Banana
  • 10:15 AM: EAS bar
  • 1:00 PM: Rotiss chicken breast with BBQ sauce, baked lays, swiss cake rolls
  • 2:30 PM: Oatmeal bar
  • 7:30 PM: Brat, pretzel
  • 80 ozs of water
Tuesday's eating so far:
  • 7:45 AM: Cereal
  • 10:00 AM: Apple
  • 11:00 AM: EAS bar
  • 1:00 PM: Rotiss chicken breast with BBQ sauce, banana, swiss cake rolls
  • 3:00 PM: Oatmeal bar
  • 5:30 PM: Footlong Subway club, tomatoes, little mayo
  • 12:00 AM: Frosted Mini-Wheats, yogurt
  • 60 ozs of water, 12 ozs of apple juice
On a separate point, I've read a couple of personal training books so far, and while there's only so much you can learn from reading a book, there are some good reference points in a couple of them.  Thinking of building a personal training book collection through ebay (one of my fav online stores :) )  so that I can have some of that stuff on-hand when hard questions comes up (questions like 'my crossfit husband wants to lose more weight - what should he do?').  So once I get those and do a little reading again I might be out here imparting all of that new/regained knowledge to you guys.

Couple more exercise points for you guys (Ang - in reality I know that you might be taking a little time off from the exercise part, but I'll write this as though you're continuing with it):
  • Remember that when you're lifting weights, the lighter weights and more reps that you lift, the toner that your body will be.  The more weight and less reps that you do, the more muscle mass you'll see.  It's up to you what you want your body to look like, but I would guess that 70% light weight/30% heavy weight would be good for you guys.
  • Not sure if I put this out there before, but remember that muscles weigh more than fat.  As you burn fat and create more muscle, you might not see your weight fall.  It actually might go up a little bit for a period of time.  Don't be alarmed by that.  In the end, your cardio portion should take care of the weight that you guys are concerned about.
  • I've had to mention this a couple of times, but don't think that I've put it in writing.  Your muscles are the easiest and quickest source of nutrients for your body when you don't eat.  If there's no food to draw off of, your body will go to your muscle.  Because of this, I need you guys to not think that starving yourselves is a strategy, even if for a day.  It's really bad for your body, and while you lose weight doing it, you lose critical weight like that from your muscles.  Keep that in mind.
OK, back to work.  Then to the Cubs game again tonight.  Root for the Cubbies my friends!  And Ang, if there is ANYTHING that I can do, please please let me know.


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