Friday, May 30, 2008

Good morning....Good morrrrrning

OK, like Nat, glad to see that everyone's back.  

I do want to make one point tho.  Honestly, I don't care if anyone blogs as long as they're eating and exercising right.  I'd rather you guys take the 10 mins that you would blog and exercise or fix a healthy meal.

My eating yesterday was status quo - snacks as usual, a 6 inch club from Subway for lunch and for dinner, and then a bowl of cereal around 9 as a later snack.

I'm gonna be bringing some snacks up to you guys today to see how you like them.  I know that you guys are eating better than you were before (Ang, you'll get back there, don't worry), but I want to see if we can at least introduce another snack into the day.

Back to work for now....adios!

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