Friday, May 16, 2008


Yes, I'm back. Just caught up on all the blogs I missed out on. I am off track for sure, but you guys are truly inspirational.

Briz- I'll do your assignment, albeit grudgingly. I hate tracking stuff, but I will totally do it. I was cracking up at your nutitritionsl label example. You foiled my plan to pretend that I didn't know how to read one. This is especially going to be hard in the cheese area. I live in the land of cheese-fat denial and I like it here. Another wake up call is coming and I HATE that...but I'll like the results. Also difficult is the fact that simple walking is painful. Even with a sports bra, the girls tend to bounce and HOLY CRAP that hurts! Also, lifting is off limits for another week, so I have to start back up slowly. Thanks for coming to visit me yesterday! It is so good to be back at work. I also wanted to tell you that Gabe asked for Little Debbie chocolate rolls for his lunch...I'm guessing he meant Swiss Cake Rolls, so they are on the grocery list.

Natty- I can't tell how proud I am of you for posting your weight...especially in my honor! It means nothing more than a starting point, so stop stressing out. As long as we stay on track, you won't see that number again. You are young, hot, and we have more than just 54 days to turn it around. It's not like we are 50 lbs overweight. We aren't that far from our goals...we just need to be consistant. We have a lot of work to do before LA, but this will go beyond that. Once we get it down, we'll be golden! As far as weight, I have to be honest. I was a bad girl after surgery and instead of losing weight like most normal humans, I managed to pack on 2 lbs. I was 134 before surgery and 136 this morning. I have to get back on evidence, check out my food intake today:

8:30 Raisin bran
10:00 Coffee
11:30 Veggie burger on wheat with pepper jack cheese and a diet pepsi (I forgot my packed lunch!)
2:30 Leftover Krispy Cream Donut
7:30 Buffalo Chicken strip and baked seasoned fries with melted fat free cheddar dipped in regular ranch
9:00 Glass of Pinot Noir

Wow. That is hard to admit. The disaster dinner is due to the fact that we have not been to the grocery store since before my surgery and had to dig into the recesses of the freezer to find something for dinner. Joe is actully at K-Roger right now stocking up on healthy essentials so tomorrow should be better. I also have to get the portion control back under control. Right now I'm struggling.

For the record, here are my 2 favorite quotes:

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right. (don't know who said it)

Those who mind don't matter and those who matter won't mind. -Dr Seuss

Let's kick some ass! Help me get back on track, my people!!!!

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